- You think he would've shot me?
- Oh, yes, sir.
My boss, he's kind of a pain.
A college kid.
He has to dot all the i's
and cross all the t's.
He's a ballsy little bastard, isn't he?
- What is it you wanted to ask me about?
- It's a time thing we're not so clear about.
Should I put your flowers
in some water while you're here?
They want me to say "Let us not forget...
Yeah. Actually they're for you.
...that two white boys also died
helping Negroes help themselves. "
They're beautiful.
They are pretty, aren't they?
They don't smell so nice
but they're pretty.
They want me to say "We mourn with
the mothers of these two white boys. "
Can I get you anything? Some tea?
Yeah. Thanks.
But the state of Mississippi
won't even allow these white boys...
...to be buried in the same
cemetery as this Negro boy.
I say I have no more love to give,
Oh, don't you look at that.
It's a terrible photo.
I have only anger in my heart today...
Oh, I don't know about that.
... and I want you to be angry with me!
- Is this recent?
- No. I wish.
Now, I am sick and I am tired...
Well... this here looks recent to me.
... and I want you to be
sick and tired with me!
We were married 14 years ago.
I... I... I am sick and tired
of going to the funerals...
Are you kidding me? No! Come on.
... of black men who have been
murdered by white men!
- You take sugar?
- Sure do.
I... I am sick and tired
of the people of this country...
- You know, I grew up in a town like this.
- You were smart enough to leave.
... who continue to allow
these things to happen!
Why didn't you?
"For better or for worse. "
What is an "inalienable right"
if you are a Negro?
What does it mean,
"equal treatment under the law"?
How about you? Are you married?
What does it mean,
"liberty and justice for all"?
Well, I was, as I remember.
It didn't last very long. I was never home.
Now I say to these people:
I guess she got fed up with... phone calls
from Miami, postcards from Des Moines.
Look at the face of this young man
and you will see the face of a black man,
But, if you look at the bloodshed, it is red,
It is like yours!
There was always a guy around.
Any guy that could spare the time
for a movie or a beer...
It is just like yours!
...or a quarter for the jukebox.
She left.
- How about you?
- Well, you know the South, Mr. Anderson.