Mississippi Burning

Hey, you really wanna find that nigger?
They say we've got to eat together and
use the same bathroom as the niggers.

And that's awful hard
for some Mississippi folks to do.

They're not like us. They don't take baths.
They stink, they... they're nasty...

...they're just not like white folks.
What do you think has happened
to the three boys?

Just as dead as they can be.
It feels so good.
- Is she asleep? Is she?
- Yeah.

Oh, my Lord. I'm sorry I woke you up.
- Bye, hon. I'll be a couple of hours.
- All right.

Well, Mary, is that your Betsy's kid?
She's growin' up real quick, ain't she?

Tuesday'll be just fine on those, Mary.
Their kids are so cute.
Is that thing back on me again?
If the entire Secret Service
couldn't protect the president...

...how in hell are we supposed
to protect a few nigras?

It ain't nothin' but a bunch of lowlife white
trash drinkin' too much cheap alcohol.

More like paint thinner and snake juice,
because this state's as dry as a martini...

...and we got the alcoholics to prove it.
Give me a little room here.
Excuse me, Bob.

- Is this OK?
- Your name, please?

Clayton Townley. Local businessman.
