It's beautiful up there.
Two hundred billion stars in our galaxy.
That's really my office up there.
I wish Mom could have lived long enough
to see you get out of the galaxy.
She'd be having the whole block in
for champagne!
Think you'll ever find
anyone like her again?
Boy. Jess, I don't know.
The chances of me finding another woman
like your mother are the same...
...as me proving there's life on another
planet up there. Figure one in 16 billion.
All right, Larry Byrd, what's for dinner?
Fish sticks. Pop tarts.
Frozen pizza. Whatever else we can nuke
in the microwave.
What do you say, Dave?
Can we see Sirius tonight?
You know, it's also called the Dog Star.
Come on.
-It's quite a small planet, really.
-Half the size of ours, but very busy.
-Have you mastered it yet?
-Of course.
You know how superb our research is.
All I have to do is teach you
everything I know in 20 minutes.
We're at light 30 approaching light 35.
This is a record glide speed.
They didn't think we'd make it this fast.
Look, it's Saturn.
-Could we stop there on the way back?