Are you Dr. Steve Mills?
He's the guy dancing with his daughter.
Hors d'oeuvres?
Thank you. Delicious.
-Are you Dr. Steve Mills?
Will you tell me the composition
of your radar beam or not?
Which one?
Now, you don't fool me.
Your favourite colour is red.
Your favourite food is lasagne,
and your favourite rocking is Pink Fred.
Actually, I prefer green,
I'm allergic to all pasta...
...and my favourite rock is Rachmaninoff.
Of course you'd say that.
I think it's Pink Floyd,
not Pink Fred right, Jessie?
Pink Fred is their nickname.
Would you hold this for me, please?
"Hey, hey we're the Monkees
"People say we monkey around
"But we're too busy singing
to put anybody down"
Do you know what they say?
"Nixon's the One!"
Dick Nixon?
See you later, bro.
Sailor, I like your jeep.
You've broken my heart for the last time.
You've broken my heart
for the last time, too.
Do you have any spinach,
my hands are freezing?
"I'm Popeye the sailor man
I'm Popeye the sailor man
"I'm strong to the 'finich'
'cause I eats me spinach
"I'm Popeye the sailor man
Toot, toot"