Will you marry me?
Marry you?
Yes. Please.
This is a strange development.
I know it's sudden and quick and all.
Not if you consider
I've been waiting five years for you.
You see, before I met you
all I could think about was science.
Now I can't even think about that anymore.
All I care about is you.
Your eyes, your skin, your hair, your face.
Do you think you could think
about science if we got married?
If only I knew you were going to be
with me and you weren't going anywhere.
I know it's kinda sudden and everything,
so I'll tell you what.
Why don't you take a short walk
and think about it?
Okay, I'll think it over.
You're not going out like that,
are you?
No. Of course not.
She's an original. She's gotta say yes.
You said you'd prepare me for 24 hours,
and here it's only been 12 hours.
You didn't tell me "spinach,"
you didn't tell me "kiss"...
...you didn't tell me "have sex,"
and what about "marry"?
Do things always happen
so fast on this planet?
I don't think so. You can't walk
down the street looking like this.
Yes, I can. I know how this planet works.
They'll think I'm starting
some kind of trend or something.
I want you to contact the Council and
I want them here, I want them here now!
Why here?
They said they needed an open field.
I found it in the phone book.
What goes on here?
Is it Christians and lions?
Wrong time frame.