It's called a sneeze. From the flour.
But only humans are supposed to do it.
What did it feel like?
Very funny.
Very good. Very liberating.
This is my house.
I actually had a good time.
Maybe we can do it again sometime.
Maybe next time we can even dance.
-I am starving.
Just what I needed.
I could have a banquet down this block.
We've got work to do.
All right.
Did you see Uncle Ron's new invention?
It's an all-snap shirt where
the snaps look like buttons. Great?
Except they rust in the wash.
-Good morning, dear.
-Good morning.
-I made you breakfast, my family.
-So that's what you've been up to?
Did you sleep well?
Did you?
Dr. Budlong.
How are you?
Fine. Thank you.