My Stepmother Is an Alien

Why do you reproduce in a petri dish?
We learned that sex was
inefficient and messy.

So you got rid of it, just like that?
I must admit, we were a little hasty
on that one.

You mean I married a virgin?
Mother would be proud.

Don't you ever do stuff like
go on vacation?

Sure we do.
What do you do on vacation?
What do you do to have fun?
We go to warm places together
and hold hands.

It's too bad you don't eat food.
You might find it could be
quite pleasurable.

You get pleasure out of food?
-No, thank you.

If you want my secrets
you'll eat my sandwich.

This is fun. What is it?
Ham and cheese on rye with mayo.
And I love the way it feels
against the roof of my mouth...

...and the sides of my tongue.
This is fun.
Here, wash it down.
This makes me smile, too.
Seagram's Scotch Whiskey.
Did you ever like me?
Steve, of course I did. I do.
It wasn't just physics?
No. If I were an Earth person
I would do exactly what we did.
