My Stepmother Is an Alien

Our physical relationship
just isn't what it should be.

I need to talk to someone.
I need to talk to you.

About your physical relationship?
Could you come to the lab, and we
could discuss these matters of the flesh?

The flesh? Yes, sure.
But, I mean, he's my brother.

But we don't need to tell
Steve everything.

And Ron, would you mind
doing me a little favour?

I left my purse in the bedroom at home.

This is terrible. What am I going to do?
He's my own brother!

This is terrible. My own brother!
And yet.
Where've you been all day?
This rain could stop at any minute.

Grady, we need a conductor. A conductor.
Solid tin.
Next year when they give out
that Nobel Prize...

...I'll be up there, and I'll tell them about--
Steve, darling.
See what did it? Ronnie put his jacket
on the chair and it had brass buttons.

It was a short circuit.
Electrical impulse bouncing between
the Klystron and the fried buttons.

It threw the power way beyond
400 megawatts!

Telescope's all set, Dr. Mills.
You won't forget to tell Dr. Sagan
how helpful I've been?

Carl Sagan? Sure.
Now all we need is the lightning.
Watch the monitors.
That's where the action is.

All right, put these on.
Put those on.
Okay, set your attractors.
