Poltergeist III

There's a talent.
You think she's able to create
some sort of mass hysteria?

No, not really. It's more like mass hypnosis.
As I work with her, try to work with her,
the child's impossible...

the more I'm convinced she actually might
be capable of inducing mass hypnosis.

- Have you put her under?
- Only once. It was terrifying.

- For her?
- For both of us.

I started to experience what she was seeing.
My God.
He found her.
I'm sorry. Stay and finish your tea.
I've got to go.
Mommy, where are you? I can't see you!
Where are you?

He's after me, Mommy! I'm scared!
Yes, I am ready!
I can't find you! He's getting closer!
The man! The ugly man!
I've got you, Carol Anne. You're safe.
You're in your room in Cuesta Verde.
You're safe.

Everything's calm.
Tell me about what's just happened.
The man wanted me
to lead him into the light.

It's so cold there. I heard them talking.
