Rain Man

Fireball Eight.

It was the first full year
of the Dynaflow transmission.

Know it by rote.
You were his only child.
You came along when he was...
what, 45 or something?
He probably thought
he was never going to have a son...

so he had to love you.
I think you're exaggerating.
You were his child, his son, his blood.

In these pictures here, he doesn't look
Like a man who doesn't love his son.

What are you doin' lookin' at this?
Put that away.

- You want to hear a story?
- Don't get mad.

You know the convertible in the garage?
His baby, that and the goddamn roses.

- The Buick.
- The car was off-limits to me.

'That's a classic,' he'd say.
'It's not for children.'

Tenth grade, I'm 16 years old,
and for once...

I bring home a report card,
and it's almost all A's.

I go to my old man,
'Can I take the car out?'

Take the guys out in the Buick,
sort of a victory drive.

He says, 'No.'
I steal the keys, I sneak it out.

You took the car with no permission?
Why? Why then?

Because l--
I deserved it.

Nothing I did was good enough for
this guy. Don't you understand that?

We're on Columbia Parkway,
four kids.

- We get pulled over.
- An accident?

Pulled over.
- What is pulled over? Police?
- Yes, police.

Can I finish?
He called in a report of a stolen car.

Not 'his son took the car
without permission.' Just 'stolen.'

Central Station. The other guys' dads
bail 'em out in an hour.

- He left me there two days.
- He left you in prison two days?

Two days.
Were you scared?
Yeah, I was scared.
