Rain Man

In days of yore, what would
a swashbuckler keep in his sheath?

Whatever this is, I don't understand
the point of secrecy.

This patient is an old
girlfriend of my father's?

I knew your father
since you were two years old.

The year my mother died.
I'm trustee of the fund, but this
hospital receives nothing from that.

Maybe that's something
we could discuss.

I took on this burden out of loyalty
to your father. My loyalty ends there.

And you think
I should feel that loyalty?

I think you feel cheated
out of your birthright...

by a man who had
difficulty showing love.

And I think if I were in your shoes,
I'd probably feel the same.

I was hoping that we could talk, that
you would explain my father's side...

help me understand
the right in what he's done.

Because, failing that,
I have responsibilities of my own...

and they have to be met,
even if that means a fight.

I'm sorry,
this is not your car.

Yeah, my dad lets me
drive slow on the driveway.

- I'm an excellent driver.
- Are you sure that you drive this car?

There's only 28 miles on the odometer
since I drove it a week ago Saturday.

- Should be more than 28 miles.
- Look, my boyfriend is coming.

Of course, today's Monday.
I always drive the car on Saturday.
Never drive on a Monday.

- Who is this guy?
- He jumped into the car.

- Well, he can jump out.
- I'm an excellent driver.

Yeah, that's good. Come on.
I don't have time for this shit.

Why'd you let him get in?
This is not a toy.

- He says he drives this car.
- Dad lets me drive every Saturday.

Of course, the seats were
originally brown leather.

Now they're pitiful red.
You know, these seats
were brown leather.

- You know this car?
- I know this car.

- How do you know this car?
- I definitely know this car.

It's a 1949 Buick Roadmaster.
Straight-Eight. Fireball Eight.
