We're not gonna take the plane.
He's okay. He's okay!
We're not gonna take the plane.
Just relax.
He was upset.
We were gonna take the plane.
We're not gonna take it now.
- We're not gonna fly, okay?
- No flying.
- We're not gonna fly.
- No flying.
- You tire me, Ray.
- Yeah.
We're gonna drive to Los Angeles.
Okay? Come on, Ray.
Ray? Come on.
- Yeah.
- Come here.
- No flying.
- We're not taking the plane.
- Just grab the fuckin' bag.
- No flying.
You're killin' me, Ray.
I just want you to know.
- No flying.
- I gotta be in L.A. in three hours.
It's gonna take me three days.
Come on!
No flying.
- No flying.
- No flying.
I got 'Jeopardy' at 5:00.
- I watch 'Jeopardy' at 5:00.
- Don't start with that.
'Jeopardy' at 5:00.
- Dispatch, this is 1-0-9.
- Go ahead, 1-0-9.
Can you get another unit here
for point control?
Two more over to you. 10-40.
Let's go!
- Bring some more up.
- What's your E.T.A.?
Get in the car.