Look at that.
1957 Studebaker Goldenhawk.
0 to 60 in under 8 seconds.
275 supercharged horsepower
under that hood.
- It's beautiful.
- 'Course, I'm an excellent driver.
- You know how to drive?
- Yeah.
When did you drive?
I drove the Buick on the driveway
when my dad came to Wallbrook.
Was Dad in the car, Ray?
- He let you drive the Buick?
- Yeah, slow on the driveway.
We'll have to let you
drive sometime.
You never touch this steering wheel
when I'm driving! Do you hear me?
- Yeah.
- Do you hear me?
- I don't have my underwear.
- What?
I'm definitely not wearing
my underwear.
-I gave you a pair of mine this morning.
-They're not my underwear.
I told you to put 'em on.
Where are they?
They're in the pocket of my jacket.
- Where?
- Here.
- These are too tight.
- I don't want them back.
- Mine are boxer shorts.
- What's the difference?
- These are Hanes 32.
- Underwear is underwear.
My boxer shorts have my name.
It says 'Raymond.'
All right. When we pass a store,
we'll pick up some boxer shorts.
I get my boxer shorts
at Kmart in Cincinnati.
We're not going back.
Don't start with that.
- 400 Oak Street.
- We're not going back.
You don't have to go
to Cincinnati for boxer shorts.
- Oak and Burnett in Cincinnati.
- What did I say?
- It's Kmart.
- I know you hear me.
- My boxer shorts have--
- You don't fool me.
Yours are too tight.
Did you fuckin' hear what I said?
Shut up!
Cincinnati's a Long way off.
You're getting further away
from Kmart.
You don't have to go to Cincinnati
to get underwear at Kmart.
You have to go to Kmart,
400 Oak Street.
We are not going to Cincinnati,
and that's final.
- Get my boxer shorts at Kmart.
- That is final. Did you hear me?
I'm goin' out of my mind!
What difference does it make
where you buy underwear?