Red Heat

Oh! Attention!
Fun bag patrol.
Double bogies, 11:00.

Whew, Christ!
You think she bought those?
I don't think so.

I think those
are definitely home grown.

Just an opinion.
-Guy's gotta be dead not to notice that.
-What's the matter with you?

I'm a man. I got needs.
We're on the job. Come on.
We oughta arrest her.
- What'd you squeeze him with?
- Caught him packin' on parole.

Gave him a choice:
Whisper in my ear...

or I turn him into Joliet Prison
for five years.

He tipped you to
a big cleanhead deal?

Don't tell me we're popping cleanheads.
I hate the cleanheads!

You're this close
to losing your job.

Can you give us a second, Charlie?
Yeah, all right.
You're not helping yourself.
This is a good tip.
I got it from my guy Streak.

All right. Come on, let's go.
Freeze! Police! Hands up!
Shut up!
You ain't got shit!
