This is our booking area.
Looks like a major crime wave
just hit, right?
When I first got here
when I was first assigned here...
I thought all hell
had broken loose.
Nope. It was just
a typical Monday morning.
Is that a Russian cop uniform?
Looks like a glorified postman
or something out of World War Two.
- Be respectful to our guest, Audrey.
- Yes, sir.
Not king.
Checkmate in two moves.
Use bishop to queen four.
Thanks for your advice, comrade,
but I think I got it covered.
This way, Captain.
The nerve of that guy.
Captain Danko, Moscow Militia.
This is Commander Donnelly,
chief of this district.
Thanks, Tom. The Captain
will be with you in a minute.
This is an extradition order.
It only requires your signature.
He ran a red light.
No driver's license.
The officer found a gun in
his glove box, so he brought him in.
We shook him down.
Then he refused to speak English.
When we found the cyrillic writing
tattoo, we figured he was one of yours.
Viktor did not ask
for political asylum?
I think he wants to go home.
Audrey, go get Sergeant Ridzik.
Stress management.
You watch the fishes.
You water the plants.
Special breathing exercises.
Monitor your blood pressure.