"Love, Claire."
- "The Hindu Art of Love."
- Read the inscription.
You read it. It says,
"Christmas" and then...
It's Sanskrit.
I didn't need a manual.
I want you to know that.
Don't blow the ending for me now.
- Did that.
- With who?
- Did it.
- Yeah.
Done this.
Done this.
My buddy did this.
I don't believe this one.
It says this will make
a woman bark like a dog.
Lassie's come home.
Go and get Gramps, Lassie.
I wonder if you're female?
What a nice coat you have. I think
I'll give you a bath every week.
Good morning, kiddos!
I'm Mike the Mailman.
Hey, Frisbee!
I've got something for ya.
There he is.
I've got to watch this one!
What could it be, huh?
Is it a pair of mittens?
It's a bone!
What could it be?
A book?
It's a bone!
What is it?
It's a bone, you lucky dog!
It's a bone, you betcha!
Lassie's a very good friend.