
Psst! Hey, Frank! Over here!
- What's going on?!
- I don't know. I'm only the ghost!

So long, sucker!
Hold on! Taxi!
I have seen your nobler aspirations
fall off, one by one,

until the master passion,
greed, engrosses you.

Farewell, Ebeneezer.
May you be happy with
the path you have chosen.

I am happy with what I've chosen,
you bitch! I couldn't be happier!

- What, are you crazy?
- Yeah, Buddy. I'm crazy!

Crazy like a fox! Crazy enough
to see through your tricks!

I'm back.
I see now.
No-one could have been that simple,

and good, and sweet,
yet caring and wonderful.

Not on this planet! No, baby!
Unless they had something to hide.
You wouldn't try to trick me? Don't
try to trick me today, cos I'm back!

Maybe we'll check things out
at Operation Reach Out!

Goodbye. Thank you.
20 a pint. Come on, folks!
Here's a happy donor.
Thank you so much.

Well, just for the record,
YOU left me.

YOU had to go
and get your head together.

My head is just fine. Check it out!
It's right here where it belongs.
"It's Ionely at the top"? It's not!
Oh, maybe, round my birthday,
and at sunset,

and every couple of weekends,
I needed a really normal person.

That's me. I'm a widow of business!
It's my life! I've chosen it!
At least, I work some place you can
FIND when you're looking for it!
