- How many are up there in this party?
- Five fiîshermen, one guide.
Sarah-- Sarah Renell.
- Dave, what's goin' on?
- Can we contact them?
This Sarah, does she carry a radio?
Oh, there's radios in the huts
along the way.
Yeah, they were supposed to call me
from Timber Falls.
And they didn't?
They could be anywhere in here.
See, sometimes they go
into places nobody's been before.
Jonathan will know.
- And the border isjust there.
- That's right.
I've got the county
fiîre and rescue chopper standing by.
No, that would tip the killer off
that we're searching for him.
Too dangerous.
Couldn't use a helicopter
even ifyou wanted.
A storm comin' in-- too much wind shear.
- And no roads?
- Not a one.
- Who could guide me in there?
-Jon Knox is the man you want. He's
Sarah's partner, I guess you'd call him.
Mr Stantin, please, listen. Sarah--
she's kind ofspecial around here.
Do you really think he'd kill
any more ofthose people?
Yes, I do, Mr. Baker.
Imagine living
your whole life out here...
so far away from people.
Well, it's a good thing there's
a godforsaken wilderness somewhere...
'cause it's the only place
thatJon Knox would fiît in.
Just what I need--
another psycho.
Oh,Jon's all right.
He'sjust different.
He doesn't feel real comfortable
with people.
He lives back in those hills
like a hermit.
Then Sarah came along. In about
fiîve minutes, they fell in love.
Fell in love?
That makes things more complicated.