Shoot to Kill

Jon, it's Dave Arnett.
I've got Warren Stantin ofthe FBI
in San Francisco with me.

Mr. Knox, I know this is
a diffiîcult time foryou, but I think
we can work together and we--

Mr. Knox, I'm in pursuit ofa kidnap
and murder suspect. I need a guide.

Get your hand off me.
- I understand you're the best.
- Find someone else.

Now, you listen to me, Knox.
You are going with me.

Ifyou refuse to assist a federal agent
in the pursuit ofa felon...

you will be arrested
for obstruction ofjustice.

Get out of my way.
- You're under arrest!
- Bullshit.

- You have the right to remain silent.
- Move! I go alone.

Jon, the man has the right.
He ain't gonna make it out there, Dave.
He's only gonna get in my way.

Don't bet on it.
Ain't no elevators
out there, mister--

no cable cars, no busses,
no damn taxicabs.

So why don't you settle your ass at
the motel, and I'll do what I do best.

Mr Knox, you've got one choice
and one choice only.

That is to guide me
into those mountains.

That is the one way-- the only way you
will be permitted to help your friend.

You're not a vigilante.
You will be acting under my authority--

under my orders!
Questions so far?
Good. And I don't give a rat's ass
whetheryou like it or not.

You try going after this guy alone
and your ass will be in jail so fast
your head will spin.

Is any ofthis
getting through to you, Mr Knox?

- Where's his gear?
- In the truck.
