You know, business-- this and that.
You make a buck.
Like what, over the counter,
wholesale, computers, what?
-Hey, you make a buck. Who gives a shit?
-I'm just asking the guy
what he does, guys.
- Go, go, go.
- I have an inquiring mind.
- Do you wanna talk about something else
like lures or something?
Okay, you guys, we're gonna stop here
for a fiîve-minute break.
Take offyour packs
and relax a while.
You guys look a little winded.
I want you to stop before you can't talk
without gasping for air, okay?
Hey, Ben, don't get so close
to the edge there.
- This is not a good place
to go river rafting.
- Oh, hold on. Here you go.
You know what I'm saying?
I can't get this thing off my back.
It feels like somebody swapped out a
Cadillac and slipped it inside my pack.
Don't you boy scouts know better
than to be heroes?
Sarah, my boots are killing me.
Loosen up the laces a little bit.
Don't take 'em off,
'cause you won't get 'em back on.
- Okay.
- How you doing, Harv?
- I'll live.
- Good.
I hope.
Hey, Sarah, when are we gonna come
across a radio that works?
- What was wrong with the radio
at the last hut?
- It was busted.
- What do you need a radio for?
- Weather forecast.
My knee got pretty banged up
in football. Now it tells me when
the weather's gonna change.
We're gonna be at a lodge tomorrow
night. We'll have a roofand a radio.
Sounds good to me.
The last time my knee felt like this,
it rained for three straight days.
Best fiîshing, though,
in the rain.
My last trip,
I latched onto a river...
that was full ofthe biggest steelhead
you've ever seen in your life.
-You know how spooky steelhead are, huh?
-Oh, yeah, yeah.
The slightest little sound
and they're gone. Now, is this
gonna be another wild fiîsh story, Ben?
- That's right, my friend.
And on this particular day,
it was coming down in buckets.
- You okay, Norm?
- Uh, where-- where was this?
- What?
Where was it?
What-What-What river?
It was the-- the Fraser.
Up in BC--
British Columbia.