Shoot to Kill

Calm down, Sarah, calm down! It's over.
Understand?Just calm down. Calm down.

- I'm not gonna hurt you. Understand?
- Okay.

- Now, I need you.
Understand me? I need you.
- Yeah.

- You have to get me
out ofthese mountains. All right?
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Okay? All right. Good girl. Let's go.

There you go. Yeah, just forget
this happened, all right?

- Okay.
-Just forget this happened.

-Just go on like before.
- All right.

You're the guide, I'm the customer.
All right?

- Okay.
- Go ahead now.

0-4-7 calling Bishop's Falls.
0-4-7 calling Bishop's Falls.
0-4-7. Do you read me, Sam?
Sarah. Sarah.
Is thatyou, Sarah?

- Sam?
- God, Sarah, I've been trying--

-I didn't try anything.
-Thought you might be thinking about it.

Listen, uh, Sarah, there's a storm.
One hell ofa storm.

It's here now,
and it's coming your way.

Now, you andyourpartyneedto stay
there in the hut. You understandme?

- Tell him you wanna make
one more day oftravel.
- Tillthestorm blows over.

I want one more day oftravel.
Stay put.
Sarah, listen, don't do that.
Don't do that.
He wouldn't be upset about a storm.
Ask him what's wrong.

What's wrong?
- You wouldn 't be upset
about a storm, Sam.
- Big storm. Don't-- Big storm.

This is a very serious storm
we're talking about, Sarah.

At least five inches ofsnow.
- Tell him you're alone so we can talk.
- I'm alone.

Miss Renell, this is
Special Agent Minelli ofthe FBl.

One ofthe men inyourparty
isan impostor.

He'sa fugitive

Doyou understand?

- Understand?
- I understand.
