I'm not afraid ofa storm.
You dumb bastard.
You could die up there.
And if not that, you'd slow me down
so much that Sarah'd get killed.
So you got one choice,
and that's to stay here.
You go with me,
oryou don't go at all.
You're not gonna shoot me.
You ever killed a man?
You ever break up a bank robbery?
I'm 22 years in the FBl, Knox.
I've come up against the Mafiîa,
the Ku Klux Klan...
the KGB.
Understand me.
I'm qualifiîed to go after this guy.
You thinkyou are, but you're not.
All right.
All right, I'll take you.
But you'd better keep up, because ifyou
slow me down and Sarah gets killed...
I'll kill you.
Sarah, slow down.
Stop! Sarah, wait.
For the last houryou've been getting
farther and farther ahead.
What's the matter, Sarah?