I'm sorry about earlier.
I didn't know what to do.
Still, I shouldn't have left you alone.
- I also have gas in the bidon.
- What?
The jerry can.
I love you.
In the tunnel,
when you called for me,
I felt I loved you more than ever.
I hated you.
We're going to have
a wonderful holiday,
together in my little house.
Well, what are we waiting for?
I have to go to the ladies' room first.
Okay, I'll wait for you over there.
...and here comes the bunch
with Delgado, Bernaudeau...
...and Hinault in front...
Here you go. 300 francs, please.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Move on, please.
Rex, catch!
A frisbee for 1 3.50 francs?
What on earth for?
You've been driving all this time.
It's good for stiffness.
From the girl who loves roses.
Especially when they come in 8!
- But I don't smoke.
- You can give me a light!