
- I can't find my wife.
- This isn't the ladies' room.

Sir, customers aren't allowed here.
Miss. Excuse me. Miss?
I'm looking for my wife.
She came to buy a beer
and a Coke.

She's got reddish hair
with little...

She's wearing white jeans
and a yellow jersey.

Fignon has the yellow jersey.
You mean a yellow top.
Yeah, with gold thread.
Wait, I've got a photo.
Here you go.
- Yeah, I've seen her.
- When?

About... half an hour ago.
She was by the coffee machine.
The coffee machine? But...
she wanted something cold.
She was by the coffee machine
and came over to get change.

But was she alone
or talking to somebody?

You know how many folks come
through here everyday? 1 0,000.

And they're all strangers.
Excuse me,
have you seen this woman?

Yes, I saw her leaving
with a man a few minutes ago.

- Minutes?
- About 1 5 minutes ago.

Your girl was leaving the shop
with a drink in each hand.

A Coke and a beer.
Was she alone or with someone?
All alone... I think... I dunno.
- And then?
- Then I did an oil change...
