The Accused

- Hello?
- Hi. It's me.

It's awfuI Iate. Is somethin' wrong?
No. Nothing's wrong. No speciaI
reason. I just figured I'd say heIIo.

You Iost your job.
How's Amos?
- Gone.
- Already?

Thanks a Iot, Sarah.
I wasn't makin' fun of you, Ma.
Are you callin' for some money?
No, I don't need any money.
I was just thinkin'...

I was thinkin' maybe I'd drive out.
Maybe I'd come out for a week or so.

- You're in trouble?
- No. I'm not in any trouble, Ma.

- I just figured...
- I'm goin' away.

- Where?
- Florida.

Well, that sounds like fun.
Listen, Ma. You have a good time, OK?
How's Sadie doin'?
She's fine.
I just got her a new fIea coIIar.

Will I talk to you soon?
Yeah. ReaI soon.
- It's kinda expensive to caII, so...
- OK.

I've gotta get up in two hours.
Yeah. AII right.
- You go back to sleep, Ma.
- You take care.

- Bye.
- Bye.
