The Accused

The bartender at The Dugout
said you were sick.

You went Iookin' for me?
Well, I had to go to the doctor
and nobody at work knows.

Come on, Sadie.
You want a seat?
Would you like something to drink?
I could really use a drink.

Thank you, no.
Just to smooth out the edges a IittIe bit.
You know?

Listen, what time were you born?
I aIready toId you
I didn't beIieve in astroIogy.

So what? I do.
- What time?
- At night. Seven. August 9th.

- Where?
- Portland.

Do you always drink
to smooth out the edges?

No. Sometimes I'II take
a hit of pot or something.

Why? You want some?
Did you have anything to drink
before you went to The Mill? Or smoke?

Half a joint, a couple of beers.
You know. Nothin' heavy.

And while you were there?
I don't know. I mean, I wasn't
faIIing-down drunk or anything.

- How were you dressed?
- What's that supposed to mean?

It means
were you dressed provocativeIy?

Showing cleavage?
See-through blouse?

What the fuck does it matter?
They tore it off of me.

Did how you dressed make those guys
think they could have sex with you?

- Did you put on a show?
- What the hell are you talkin' about?

You saw me at the hospitaI. You think
I asked for that? Is that what you think?

Then you get the fuck outta my house.
Why didn't you tell me
that you had a record?

Fuck you.
I ain't got no record.
You wanna tell me about it?
AII right. Look.
I was heIpin' my girIfriend move
with a U-HauI.

Goin' through Jersey we ran into a cop
and he sees we got a busted taillight.

He pulls us over, he starts
lookin' through her desk in the back

and finds half a gram of coke.
It was nothin' big.

- It was her desk, not mine. Her stuff.
- So why is it stiII on the books?
