The Accused

Your class can wait. You were there.
Your name is on the video machine.

And I'm caIIing you as a witness.
Now would you like to sit down
and talk about it?

What do you want?
You got the ones who did it.

I'm prosecuting the others.
The ones who cheered them on.

- I didn't see a thing.
- Yes, you did.

You were in the room all night.
You saw everything.

Those other guys didn't do anything.
They probably didn't even know
what was going on.

It was Iike a show.
Big deaI. They watched.

I bet if you asked a thousand peopIe,
999 wouId watch. It's no crime.

They did more than watch,
and that is a crime.

Wanna tell me about it?
Look, if you don't tell me about it now,
you'II have to teII me about it
on the witness stand.

Why? This isn't my business.
I don't care about this.

Yes, you do.
- Birchfield County Emergency.
- I'd like to report a girl's in trouble.

- May I have your name?
- Listen, a girI's in troubIe.

- It's The MiII, the bar on MiII Road.
- Sir, I must...

She may be hurt. An assault's going on.
It's a rape. There's three or four...

Arriving at the courthouse now
is Kathryn Murphy,

the deputy district attorney
in this precedent-setting case.

With her is Sarah Tobias.
This is our first chance
to see the victim in person.

Will you put Miss Tobias on the stand?
- Who else will you put on the stand?
- No comment.

- Is your friend testifying against you?
- Son of a bitch.

- Did you make a deaI with the defence?
- No comment.

Are you deaf, asshole? No comment.
You'II wait right here
for the officer to come and get you.

- What are you doing here?
- MoraI support.
