The Blob

Moss, what's happening?
You look like hell.
It's a fashion statement, man.
The only statement those clothes
have got to make is, "l look like hell."

My bike's broken down at Elkin's Grove.
I was thinking...

...maybe I could borrow your ratchet set?
The Summit's got me overhauling
six damn Skidoos, three Cats...

...and two flatbed snowmakers, by Monday.
What's the hurry?
It must be 70 degrees out there.

It's lndian summer, boy.
Very soon winter will be tear-arseing
through this town...

...with no apologies.
Come on. It barely pissed snow
the last couple of years.

This whole town's ready to fold.
This year's going to be different.
Is that right?
Take my word.
You'll wish your piece of shit excuse
for a motorcycle...

...was one of these sweet little rigs.
So how about the ratchet?
All right. Maybe I'll put in
a couple of hours over the weekend.

Maybe that'll lighten things up a bit.
There are twelve sockets in that set.
They better all be there when I get it back.
You got it, buddy. You got it.
Thanks a lot, Moss.
I owe you one.
You owe me too damn many.
