The Blob

Oh, God! He must've snuck off
to that damn movie.

What movie?
You didn't tell me about any movie.

Sir, my little brother is
at the movie theatre on Main Street.

We're going by sector.
We'll be there soon.

-You don't--
-We'll handle it. Back in line.

Seems you're doing nothing.
You on a break?

-Look, Mr.--
-Don't "Look, Mr." me. I pay taxes.

I pay your salary.
I want you to find my son!

I know you're upset, but get in line...
...we have everything under control.
Did you know that ten years ago tonight,
there was a horrible murder in this house?

-No way! Come on.
-This man--

You'll love this.
He hot-curls her to death.
Mister, we're trying to watch a--
