You better get them here.
I mean it. Now!
What's up?
Name's Gus Wheeler.
He says he's the Dead Pool Killer.
We found him like this.
He's soaked in gas and threatening
to set himself on fire.
Why not hose him down?
He says if he sees a fireman or even
a garden hose, he'll torch himself.
- What's he want?
- To be on television.
He wants a cameraman and a reporter.
Al and I will just pose as...
It has to be someone he recognizes.
Stay back. Stay back from me.
It's gonna go up.
You hear me?
Better keep those people back.
- You all right?
- Not really.
Stop right there! That's far enough.
I'm Samantha Walker from...
- I know who you are!
- What do you want?
Is that camera on?
You want to know why I'm doing this?
- Because nobody cares.
- We care, Mr. Whee...
No! Nobody ever paid
any attention to me before.
In order to get attention,
you gotta do something.
Well, I'm really gonna
do something this time!
Did you have anything
to do with the deaths...
...of Johnny Squares and Molly Fisher?
No, I just said that so you'd listen!
I want everyone to see this!
I want everyone to remember me!
And to remember what I did here!