First Johnny Squares, then Molly
Fisher, now Nolan Kennard.
- Like I said, celebrities always die...
- In threes, yeah.
- At least the guy went out with a...
- A bang, I know.
- What do you have, Russ?
- Hello, Harry.
From the residue on the frags,
I'd say plastic. Probably C3 or 4.
We'll do an analysis back at the lab.
- Let me know the results.
- You got it.
What's that?
I don't know.
It looks like the wheel from a toy.
Have you been questioned about
Nolan Kennard?
Is his death connected
to the Dead Pool?
- I don't know.
- Is his death due to your list?
- I don't know.
- In Hell Without the Devil...
...a character's poisoned. Night of
the Slasher has several stabbings.
- We can guess what Hotel Satan...
- Get to the point.
Are there parallels between the deaths
in your film...
...and the death of Johnny Squares?
- That's a stupid question!
- Do you feel any responsibility?
- You've blown this out of proportion.
You want to speak to somebody?
Speak to the police.
Talk to Inspector Callahan.
He'll tell you I'm not a suspect.
I have nothing
to do with these deaths.
That's all I have to say, now sod off.