In October, my brother and I left Ohio.
We were driving to California.
We got into Dallas on a Thursday night.
Friday morning, while I'm eating eggs
and drinking coffee, I get a good job.
All these people
are supposedly out of work.
I'm not in town a half a day,
and I've got a job.
Everything clicked.
It's as if I was meant to be here.
I'd run away from home a couple
of times. Once or twice. I don't know.
And this all started,
David is running away from home.
And he takes... I took
a pistol of my dad's and a shotgun.
Took a neighbor's car.
I had broken into their house
and got the keys to it.
I forget exactly what it was.
Ended up coming to Dallas.
I went to work and no one showed up.
Being a weekend, sometimes
they worked, sometimes they didn't.
On the way home, I ran out of gas.
And as I was walking down the street
with the gas can...
a person, at that time, pulled over.