The day they picked me up, December 21.
They took me upstairs.
What floor, I don't know.
But they put me in a little room.
Gus Rose walked in.
He had a confession there
he wanted me to sign.
He said that I would sign.
He didn't give a damn what I said.
I would sign this piece of paper.
I told him I couldn't.
"I don't know what the hell
you people expect of me.
"But there's no way I can sign that."
He left. He came back in 10 minutes.
And threw a pistol on the table.
Asked me to look at it. Which I did. I looked.
He asked me to pick it up.
I told him no, I wouldn't do that.
He threatened me.
Again, I told him no.
He pulled his service revolver on me.
We looked at each other for...
To me, it seemed hours.