It didn't really help anything at all.
Let me back up.
But it was interesting,
and it cost a lot of money...
but it was worthwhile.
You got to cover every trail.
A guy out of California...
I don't recall his name,
he was an expert in hypnosis.
He came down,
hypnotized her and questioned her.
What was interesting was...
she couldn't remember anything
particularly about the car.
She remembered getting a malt.
They'd stopped in the fast-food.
It was a Whataburger.
They remembered all that,
and stopping the car.
Got back on the road.
She didn't remember anything.
But she remembered a license number
off a hit-and-run vehicle...
that they had worked earlier in the night.
It was getting awfully close to Christmas.
We'd never gone that long in Dallas
without clearing a murder of an officer.
We'd had several killed,
but we'd cleared them pretty quick.
And this case had gone a month,
or nearly a month...
and we still hadn't cleared it.
We finally got the break that cleared it.
It came out of Vidor, Texas.
Mr. Calvin Cunningham, who lives
in Vidor, had his home broken into...
and his little Mercury Comet stolen.
We felt as though
David had committed that crime.
For several days, though,
he was missing. We couldn't find him.
It was one afternoon, one of our
officers spotted Cunningham's car...