I told him what time I went to work.
Why, I left.
I walked around the store
and went to the house.
When I walked in, the television was
on and my brother was sleeping.
He had been home this whole time
that I had been gone.
So I made me a sandwich...
and sat there and watched the end of
The Carol Burnett Show.
When it went off, the news came on
and I watched 15 minutes of it.
And that was it.
I turned the TV off and went to sleep.
Finally, they bring in a stenographer.
She sits down and I run the story.
I tell them what happened this Saturday.
She leaves. She types.
She comes back in about 25 to 30 minutes...
with a copy of this statement.
I read through it...
and when it was basically what I liked...
yes, I signed it.
He admits driving the car
and taking a right on Inwood Road...
off of Interstate 35...