No telling the man-hours
we literally wasted...
looking for a blue Vega.
There is a difference
between a Vega and a Mercury Comet.
So in reality, in regard to cars...
every piece of information
that was called in...
they were calling in regard to a Comet,
I mean, a Vega.
The people that called in were truthful,
trying to help.
They really were trying to help.
We just all had the wrong information.
There wasn't a mark on this car
David Harris had stolen.
Wasn't a mark.
Do you think a car sitting still...
starting from a stop, heading up a hill...
with a woman standing right behind it...
that is a very good shot with a pistol...
She should have hit
the damn thing one time. She didn't.
I wish to God she had blown whoever
was driving the car's head off...
because I wouldn't have been here.
I went back several times...
and with Mr. Cunningham,
he and I both searched...
and could find no indications that
that car had been hit by gunfire.
Later on, he finally found one place...
that he felt as though
that a bullet had been creased on it.
But before he could tell me about it,
his daughter totaled the car out.
Totally demolished it.