I tried to introduce the crime spree theory.
The theory that David Harris
was on this series of crimes...
both before and after
the killing of the policeman.
That he would be the person who had...
the heart filled with malice
most apt to commit a murder.
But the judge would not allow me
to introduce any of those crimes.
They'd had a 28-year-old man.
The only alternative
would be prosecuting a 16-year-old...
that could not be given
the death penalty under Texas law...
where our 28-year-old man could.
That's always been the predominant
motive, in my opinion...
for having a death penalty case
against Randall Adams.
Not that they had him so dead to rights.
But just that he was a convenient age.
The judge is supposed to have said...
That Don Metcalfe
is supposed to have said...
to Jeanette White, Dennis White's wife...
"What do you care? He's only a drifter."
I grew up in a family...
where I was taught a great respect
for law enforcement.
I became acutely aware of the dangers...
that police officers go through,
law enforcement officials go through...
that I think much of the public
is not really sensitive to.
My father was an FBI man.
Probably at the worst possible time
to be in the FBI.
It was from 1932 to 1935 in Chicago.
He was at the Biograph Theater
the night that Dillinger was killed.
It was a hot summer evening.
Little air conditioning in Chicago...
and people were out for a walk.