Very convenient that the driver
happened to have bushy hair.
All she's got to do
is look at a picture they took of me.
But that is not her original statement.
It's a hell of a big difference
from "fur-lined collar" to "bushy hair."
It's crazy.
She went through
two weeks Internal Affairs...
when she comes out,
her testimony changes.
She goes in saying one thing,
she comes out saying another.
Something happened. What?
"We refreshed her memory."
Friday afternoon,
I think it was Good Friday...
we came back in the courtroom
that afternoon...
and we were sort of elated
because we thought...
"He's gonna walk."
And there's nothing really in that evidence.
There's just little David Harris,
and nobody believes him.
And so we were very optimistic
about his chances...
until we walked into the courtroom...
and here were all these people
standing in front of the bench.
Three of them, anyway.
They were taking the oath
to be sworn as witnesses.
Mrs. Miller got on the stand
that last afternoon.
And she said,
"That's the man, I saw that man!
"I saw Randall Adams' face
just right after..."
She said, "I saw the gun
sticking out of the car...
"when he shot that police officer.
And that's the man."
And she waved her finger
right toward Randall Adams.
She's the one that got him convicted.
When I was a kid,
I used to want to be a detective...
because I used to watch
all the detective shows on TV.
When I was a kid they used to show
these movies with Boston Blackie...
and he always had a woman with him.
I wanted to be a wife of a detective
or be a detective...