That's when he got the idea.
Let me put it in his words.
For enough money, he would testify...
to what they wanted him to say.
He would say anything
they wanted him to say.
Or he would see anything
that they wanted him to see.
Those were his words.
I was shocked that he did go ahead...
and get up and tell
that he saw the actual shooting...
and recognized the boy. Identified him.
That's when I called Dennis White.
I told him, "That man's lying."
Nobody has that good of an eyesight.
From where the policeman was shot
and from where they were at...
I doubt if you could have
even seen them with binoculars.
I'm a salesman.
And you develop something like total recall.
I don't forget places, things...
or streets.
Because it's a habit,
something I just picked up.
I just stare intensely at people
and try to figure them out.
Being nosy, I just stare.
I was leaving the Plush Pub one night...
driving a 1977 Cadillac...
heading west on Hampton.
I noticed an officer had
two individuals pulled over...
to the curb in a blue...
some type of vehicle.
It was a blue...
It was a blue Ford. It was a blue something.