Excuse me!
Oh! Satsuki, and Mei, too.
Sorry about today.
This place is hopeless, isn't it...
Um, Kanta loaned me this umbrella.
Oh! Him? Oh dear! Not this beat-up old thing...
It was very useful, because Mei was there, too.
But Kanta got soaked.
Thank you very much.
Fine... When you're not covered with mud, you're
rather pretty, eh?
Are you going to meet your father?
Well, that's great. Bye bye, Mei.
Bye bye..
Now who could that have been?
I don't know.
Right on time...
Are you getting on?
We're leaving!
Dad's not on it.
I'm sure he'll be on the next bus. Do you want
to wait at Grandma's, Mei?!