U2: Rattle and Hum

l start to count, then you come in.
Keep looking at me - stand beside me.

We'll all look at Larry.
Just make sure, so when we
get on there, we're all prepared.

Stand beside me, boom, and in, because
Edge is on a different timing, as usual.

Let me introduce somebody whose music
l've come to love over the last year.

And his incredible band -
this is BB King's band here.

Where's BB?
Believe it or not, BB King came to lreland.
He was playing in this club in Dublin.
We wrote this song for him:
"When Love Comes To Town".

l listened to the tape and l was
able to get some of it together.

- l hope you like the song.
- l love the song.

The lyrics are really heavy lyrics.
You're very young to write
such heavy lyrics!

l'm one of those rebel guys. l like
to get in there and see what's going on.

- Break the mould.
- That's right.

They look at me kind of weird.
They say...

"He's 62 years old,
and look what he's trying to do."

- You're 62?
- Yes, l'm 62.
