Tomorrow's Friday, Eddie.
You know what happens here on Friday?
- Fish Special?
- My boss checks the books on Friday.
And if I don't have that money
I gave you back in the till,
- I'm gonna lose my job.
- Don't bust a button, Dolores.
You've only got one left.
- Fifty bucks?
- Yeah.
Where's the rest?
Well, it's only a snoop job away.
Have you got that camera of yours?
- Mine's in the shop.
- Wouldn't be the pawn shop
by any chance, would it?
Aw, come on, Dolores. You need
the other $50, I need the camera.
Any film in there?
Should be.
I haven't had that roll developed
since our trip to Catalina.
That sure was a long time ago.
Yeah, that was a long time ago.
- We'll have to do that again sometime.
- Yeah, sure, Eddie.
- Paper even good?
- Just check the scrawl.
R.K. Maroon?
As in Maroon Cartoons?
Maroon Cartoons?
Hey, so who's your client,
Mr. Detective to the Stars?
Chilly Willy?
Or Screwy Squirrel?
- What do you want to drink?
- I'll take a beer, doll.
So what happened, huh?
Somebody kidnap Dinky Doodle?
Cut it out, Angelo,
Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute, I know.
You're workin' for Little Bo Peep.
She's lost her sheep, and
you're gonna help her find 'em. Eh?
- Ow!
- Get this straight, meatball.
I... don't... work for toons.
So what's his problem?
- Toon killed his brother.
- What?