I'd think you, of all people,
would appreciate that.
#La, la, la, la, la, la, la#
Uh... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, wait a minute! Hey, hey!
#La, la, la, la, la, la, la##
I've been tryin' to make him quit,
but he just won't listen to me,
What do you know, ya dumb broad?
You got the I.Q. Of a rattle.
- You Valiant?
- Yeah.
I want to talk to you
about the Acme murder. Hey, psst.
Doll, why don't you run downstairs
and get me a racin' form?
Ooh! Okay, okay. I'm goin'.
A ladies' man, huh?
My problem is I got a 50-year-old lust
and a three-year-old dinky.
- Yeah. Must be tough.
- Look, Valiant, the rabbit didn't kill Acme,
He's not a murderer, I should know,
He's a dear friend of mine,
I tell you, Valiant, the whole thing
stinks like yesterday's diapers.
Look at this.
The paper said Acme left no will.
That's a load of succotash.
Every toon knows Acme had a will.
He promised to leave Toontown to us toons.
That will is the reason he got bumped off,
Has anybody ever seen this will?
Uh, no. But he gave us his solemn oath.
If you believe that that joker could do
anything solid, the gag's on you, pal.
I just figured, since you were
the one who got my pal in trouble,
you might want to help get him out,
I can pay ya.
Save your money for
a pair of elevator shoes.
- Wait! No, Valiant, no! Ow, my stogie!
- Oh!
It ain't my fault the rabbit
got himself in trouble.