Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Maroon's not after Toontown,
like you thought.

It's Cloverleaf that wants
to get their hands on Toontown.

They put in the highest bid.
And unless Mr. Acme's will shows up
by midnight tonight,

Cloverleaf is gonna own Toontown.
What? At midnight tonight?
That's right.
First they buy the Red Car. Then they
want to get their hands on Toontown.

- I don't get it.
- Shh!

The rabbit. Get the Judge.
#A joke
Don't sit there on your brain#

Nice shirt.
Who's your tailor, Quasimodo?

# My buddy's Eddie V.
A sourpuss, you'll see #

# But when I'm done he'll need no gun
'Cause a joker he will be #

# C, D, E, F, G, H, I #
# I love to raise some Cain
Believe me, it's no strain #

# It feels so great
to smash a plate #

#And look, there is no pain
No pain #

- # No pain, no pain #
- Ow!

#No pain, no pain, no... ##
Eddie, what are ya... Yah!
Hey, who turned out the lights?
I can't see a thing.
What's goin' on?

You crazy rabbit,
I've been out there riskin' my neck for you.
And what are you doin'?
Singin' and dancin'!

But I'm a toon. Toons are
supposed to make people laugh.

- Sit down!
- You don't understand.
Those people needed to laugh.

Yeah, and when they're done laughing,
they'll call the cops.

That guy, Angelo,
would rat on you for a nickel.

Not Angelo.
He'd never turn me in.

- Why? Because you made him laugh?
- That's right.

A laugh can be a very powerful thing.
Why, sometimes in life,
it's the only weapon we have.

- Laughter is the most im...
- Shh.

Lx-nay. Lx-nay.
