Hey, Judge, what should we do
with the wallflower?
We'll see to him later.
Right now, I feel like
dispensing some justice.
Bring me some Dip.
Does the Condemned have anything to say
before his sentence is carried out?
Why, yeah...
Dolores, bourbon.
And make it a double.
Fine time for a drink, Eddie.
- Maybe you'd like a bowl
of pretzels to go with it!
- Just pour the drink, Dolores.
Hey, Judge?
Don't a dyin' rabbit deserve a last request?
Yeah, Noseplugs would be nice!
I think you want a drink.
How 'bout it, Judge?
Well, why not?
I don't mind prolonging the execution.
- Happy trails.
- No thanks, Eddie. I'm tryin' to cut down.
- Drink the drink.
- But I don't want the drink.
- He doesn't want the drink.
- He does!
- I don't.
- You do. You do.
- I don't. I don't.
- You do. You don't,
- I don't. I do,
- You don't. You don't.
- I do.
Listen, when I say, "I do",
that means I do!