- Oh. Kiaya.
- [ Baby Fussing ]
We can't keep
the baby. Kiaya.
We have to take her
to the village council.
[People Chattering]
Silence! One beast we can kill.
but there may be more.
that they won'tgive up...
until they findwhat
they're looking for!
-[Man #1]It'sasign!
-[Man #2] Who's toblame forthis?
[Man #3] Wemustfindthe culprit
andthrowhim in thepit!
- [ Shouting In Agreement ]
- [Villagers]In thepit!In thepit!
In thepit!In thepit!
-In thepit!In thepit!
- Willow.
-[Chanting Continues]
- WillowUfgood.
Come forward.
[ villagers Murmuring ]
My children found this baby
alone by the river. High Aldwin.
[ Cying ]
- A Daikini child.
- [ villagers Gasping ]
That's what the beasts want.
Let's give it back to them!
[ villagers ]
- They'll kill her! You can't!
- It isn't one ofus.
This child is special!
This child must be taken beyond
the boundaries ofourvillage.
All the way across
the great river...
to the Daikini crossroads.
- Well. who'll do that?
- Itseems only fair...
that the man to take
this baby to the crossroads...
be the vey man who
plucked it out ofthe river.
- I nominate Willow Ufgood.
- [ villagers Shout Agreement ]
I will consult the bones!
[ Fussing ]