- The bones tell me... nothing.
-[Baby Coos]
Doyou have any love
for this child?
Yes. Yes. I do.
- The bones have spoken!
- [ villagers Murmuring ]
Willow Ufgood. the safety
ofthis village depends upon you.
- Praise the bones!
- [ Repeating ] Praise the bones!
Butyou willneedhelp.
Whohas the courage toprotect
ourbrave fellowonhisjourney?
- I'll go with him.
- Ah, Meegosh.
- Bxcellent choice.
- I'll go!
[ villagers. Shouting ]
vohnkar! vohnkar!
No! Not vohnkar!
He's the best warrior in the village!
Weneedhim here!
Vohnkar, stepback!
All this expedition needs
is a leader.
Andaccording to thebones...
- Bh--
you. Burglekutt!
you. Burglekutt!
- What's your problem. son?
- How doyou mean?
When I held up my fingers
what was your first impulse?
- Well. it was stupid.
-Just tell me.
- To pick my own finger.
- Aha! That was the correct answer.
You lack faith in yourself.
More than anyone in the village.
you have the potential
to be a great sorcerer.
Now. when you're out there.
listen toyour own heart.