[ Fussing ]
- Hold on. Meegosh.
- What's wrong?
- We have to stop.
- Stop? Why?
- The baby's sick.
- [ Bawling ]
She's not sick!
Let me see.
Take her! Take her!
-[Burglekutt's Groans Continue]
- [ Laughing ]
She'll be fine
once she gets some rest.
[ Cooing ]
[ Groaning ]
Clean me up.
[ Bavmorda ] I didn't askyou
to bring me a dead nursemaid.
-Sorsha. you're useless!
-I'm backtracking the nursemaid's trail.
I'll find where
she hid the baby.
Ah. General Kael. at last.
My queen. I have destroyed
the castle at Galladoorn.
Well done. But now I have
another task foryou.
Help my daughter to find
that tiny. helpless baby...
that continues
somehow to elude her.
The baby ofthe prophecy?
- The one that would destroyyou?
- I need that baby alive.
theritualthat will...
exile the child's spirit
into oblivion.
- Find her!
- I don't need his help. Mother.
You'll do as I say. child.
I read the signs.
One day. I fear. your daughter
will betrayyou.
I trust her loyalty
more than I trustyours.
[ Baby Cooing ]
- [ Squealing ]
-[Dogs Barking, MenShouting]
- Move!
-[Baby Fussing]