- [ Fussing ]
- Take it up!
- We are not going in there!
- But Blora needs fresh milk.
- And we are drenched.
- You are not in command. shorty. I am!
- You hear me?
- Whoa!
[Glass Breaking,
Crowd Yelling]
[ Laughing ]
- Bxcuse me? Bxcuse me.
- [ Laughing ]
Could you spare some milk
for this poor. hungy baby?
Get out ofhere. peck!
Get outta here
orwe'll cookya!
[ Cooing ]
[ Rool ]
Ooh. look at her!
alovepotion onher!
Franjean! Hey! Give me that
dust ofbroken heart.
- Come on! Give it to me!
- Letgo ofme!
It's vey dangerous.
It belongs to the fairies!
[ Growls. Sneezes ]
- [ Yells ]
- [ Thumps ]
Hey. quiet!
You want to get us killed?
- [ Sneezes ]
- [ Grunts ]
[Franjean]Oh, Rool!Alwaysplaying
with those fairylovepotions.
[ Sighing Deeply]
You are so beautiful!