[ Franjean. Laughing ]
- Where is he? Where?
- [ Woman ] Hello. dear.
There's nobody here but
me and. uh. my. uh--
- I'll kill him!
- ...my cousin. Hilda.
- Hilda?
- [Woman]Hilda.
- Oh. Hilda!
- This is my husband. Llug.
- Mm. Big husband.
- [Woman] Yes.
- How doyou do?
- [ Laughing ]
Come on. girly.
Don't be shy.
- Hey! Give her back!
- [ Coos ]
- Pecks make terrible nursemaids.
- Nursemaid?
- They get too excited.
- [ Grunts ]
Bxcuse me!
Are we having a party?
- Huh?
- Hey. hey. hey. hey!
- [ Laughing Lewdly]
- Stop. please. Ooh.
Come on.
Fight like a man!
- [ Grunts ]
- Want to breed?
Tempting. but no.
[ Growling ]
Time to leave.
- Bye. Hilda!
- [ Soldier] Take them out.
- [All, Gasping]
- Hey! Come along!
- [ Madmartigan ] Careful. you lout!
- Move along!
Gatherupall thesebabies.
[Sorsha] Thatbabyoverthere.
That's not the one.
You! Areyou the mother
ofthat child?
- [ In Woman's voice ] Yes. Yes. I am.
- Let me see it.
No! Don't let her!
I gaveyou an order. woman!
[ Grunts ]
You're... beautiful.
- And you're vey strong.
- Thankyou.
You're no woman!
- Now, honey, takeiteasy.
- [ Llug ] Not a woman?
- Gentlemen.
- Not a woman?
- Meet Llug.
- [ Llug Yelling. Screaming ]